Why Inflight Connectivity is a Must for Private Airplanes

Why Inflight Connectivity Is A Must For Private Airplanes | AdonisOne

Communication technology continues to greatly enhance the in-flight experience of its passengers. Inflight connectivity is an essential feature for both business and leisure passengers chartering a private jet, and private aviation needs to keep ahead of the game. In-flight productivity is a new catch phrase among business executives, and for good reason.

Travel by private jet allows for increased privacy, allowing you to discuss confidential matter without the fear of it landing on the wrong ears. However, these executives also want to be able to connect with those on the ground allowing for real-time interaction.

As business changes, so must the world inflight connectivity and private aviation. Here are a few of the things private jet companies need to take into consideration for the future.

The reasons for private jet travel is changing

The reasons for flying by private jet charter have been evolving for some time. In the past, it was an easy sell for private aviation with the flexibility, privacy, and comfort offered to the passenger. The advantage of no security lines and time savings are still a very real component today. However, travelers are no longer considering private jet service only for these reasons.

The business traveler’s office of today is, in fact, in the air. The ability to send emails, make calls on their personal phones, and hold video conferences is a new necessity for the modern-day business executive. And this is changing the need for inflight connectivity. According to one communication expert, “you would be surprised at how many flights are grounded due to technology issues”. Certainly a heads-up to private aviation to continue to advance.

How much bandwidth is enough?

There may never be too much bandwidth, but several considerations come into play for private aviation companies. First and foremost is the question of how much bandwidth, along with basic budget considerations. Technology has advanced to the degree that everything from personal phone use, video conferencing and streaming Netflix are all possible. However, the more inflight connectivity options offered, the more bandwidth required.

Monetary concerns are always in play. However, private companies understand that clients of today expect to remain connected in flight at all times. These passengers want to have the same experiences as they have in their homes or office. The challenge of the use of personal devices in-flight is the frequent background auto-updates which consume higher levels of bandwidth which can be managed with appropriate router use.

In-flight connectivity is now the norm

Business travelers today demand constant inflight connectivity on flights. What used to be considered a perk is now a requirement in order for airlines not to lose clientele. The millennial generation of travelers grew up with the experiences of being one click away from social media, texting, and even tweeting, but even older generations of business executives now demand constant contact with those on the ground.

In the past private aviation customers accepted some compromises in services, however as the commercial air industry has spent billions upgrading in-flight entertainment and WiFi capabilities, the private sector must offer comparable or even better options.

Private jet owners are well-known for having peculiar, and expensive, tastes, but even those hiring jet charters can be quite demanding. With so many perks available on the flight, the airlines need to offer up any option the clients may expect.

Location can be key

Where each private jet flies can have quite a bearing on the necessity of taking weather conditions into account. For clients hiring private jet charters for travel to or from places such as the Middle East and similar climates, the inflight connectivity systems must be able to take spending potentially hours on the runway without overheating.

Similarly, cold climates can have different, but equally damaging, consequences to WiFi and satellite systems. Each private aircraft is customizable for the owner or company. Therefore, taking weather and location of the plane into consideration is essential.

Millennial’s are changing the world

The millennial generation is turning the business world on its ear. The changes are many evolving from a desire for experiences over acquisitions, for coining the term “bleisure” meaning to combine work trips with pleasure, and even to the trend towards hotels eliminating desk furniture in hotel rooms in exchange for co-working spaces.

This generation always has far less regard for brand loyalty, causing all related companies to rise to the challenge.  These companies, including air travel, must understand the needs, expectations, and requirements of a group having unique tastes and habits. By the year 2020, the millennial generation will account for more than half of all business travelers. Whereas the baby boomer generation tended to avoid business travel, the tech-savvy, social millennial’s thrive on the experience.

One prime advantage for private aircraft for this new generation is their love of spontaneity. There are many perks, including rather suddenly deviating to an alternate airport or changing travel dates. The flexibility offered with private jet charters fits perfectly into their operating mode.

The good news in private aviation is more and more travelers are becoming acquainted with how desirable this service can be. With rental prices lowering and passengers understanding the benefits of dead-leg flights, the world of private jet charters will continue to expand. By understanding that, in addition to the flexibility, ease, and comfort that have long been hallmarks of the service, passengers now demand near-constant inflight connectivity as well, these companies can improve bookings and continue to thrive.

The world is becoming a more and more connected place. Advanced technologies will continue to enhance passengers inflight connectivity with the ability to connect with those back on land. A win-win for the airline companies and travelers alike.