Tips for Long Flights: 10 Ways to Pass the Time

Passing the Time on Long Flight with IFE | AdonisOne

Airplane travel can be exciting – especially when you are headed to your destination and filled with anticipation. However, sometimes your excitement is not enough to keep your boredom at bay throughout long flights. And, what about when you are heading back from an amazing trip filled with dread – knowing you are going back reality?

Adults and kids alike can find themselves bored and twiddle their thumbs on long flights. Next time you find yourself in this situation, be prepared with these 10 tips for long flights!

Finish up your work

Whether you are heading out of town for business or pleasure, you may have work that needs to be completed before you arrive at your destination. Thanks to in-flight connectivity, you can get this done with ease. Fire up your laptop and get to it. That way your deadlines are met and you will be ready to play once you land!

Meet your neighbor

If you are traveling commercially or on a chartered flight, you can always take the time to meet those around you. Socializing is a fantastic way to pass the time on long flights. And, you may even meet someone you could use in your network. Be aware, though, that not everyone is into chatting it up. Pay attention to your neighbors’ body language – if it looks like they would get further away from you if they could or if their eyes are closed, then don’t interrupt them.

Read anything

Books, newspapers, magazines – reading anything can make the clock seem as though it is moving more quickly. Many airlines offer at least one in-flight magazine. Finish your book and still have flight time remaining? Thanks to the ability to connect to the planes’ IFE system, you can bring your Nook, Kindle, or other e-reader and download the latest books on the New York Bestseller list.

Tips for Long Flights: How to Pass the Time - Check Your Email | AdonisOne

Catch up on emails

No matter how many times you try to stay up to date on your emails, they will eventually get out of hand. And, let’s face it, an overflowing email box makes you want to avoid it even more. Make significant use of your time by cleaning out your inbox while in-flight!

  • Delete old emails that you no longer need.
  • Review email from outside sources, such as advertisements or newsletters. Decide whether you truly need them or find them beneficial. If you do not, then get rid of them for good! Scroll to the bottom of the emails and click the “unsubscribe” button and follow the prompts.
  • Organize your email by creating sub-folders. For email that you think you may need and aren’t ready to get rid of – find a place for it that is out of your inbox.

Watch a movie or binge watch a TV series

In-flight entertainment (IFE) makes this possible. Some airlines provide a screen on the seat-back in front of you, others require you to bring your own. For those traveling in private jets or chartered planes, you can transform the plane into a movie theatre by utilizing the almost-always-present large LCD television screens. Either way, IFE gives you the ability to access all sorts of mind-occupying movies and TV shows to watch. Take this time to catch up on movies you have been wanting to see. Or, get in the loop by binge-watching one of the hottest shows among your friends. IFE allows you to connect and access services such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Video, etc.

Catch up on sleep

For some, it’s a chance to finally relax. For others, it’s the soothing hum of the plane. And, still, for others, it is the need to attempt to avoid jet lag. Sleep happens on a plane –especially on long flights. And, it is a perfect way to pass the time.

If you think you want to catch some shut-eye, bring an eye/sleep mask with you to block out the light from those around you. Neck pillows and other airline-seat designed pillows can help, too. And, be sure to ask the flight attendant for a blanket so you can get all snug and cuddly!

Take it back to classics – with magazine puzzles

Crossword puzzles, word search puzzles, and Sudoku puzzles are what we are referring to here. This is one of the simplest tips for long flights, and takes it back to the classics! You can pick them up at the airport or at any newsstand you may pass. Grab a pen, sit back, and conquer the puzzles! This is a great way to keep your mind engaged on long flights.

Passing Time Long-Haul Flight | AdonisOne

Play a game

True, your cell phone will be in airplane mode while in flight, but that doesn’t mean you can’t access the games on your phone or tablet using Wi-Fi. Download some games to keep you entertained. Not sure where to start? Here are a few of the latest trending games:

You can also access games using the in-flight entertainment. These can be anything from virtual reality gaming to simulated golf games. If it’s available – play it!

Zone out and listen to some music

Again, thanks to in-flight entertainment capabilities, you can sit back and relax – while listening to your favorite tunes. For those connected to their music, letting it carry you away is sure to speed up long flights! Many systems now provide you with music as well, so you aren’t limited to your own music library!

Plan something

Last, but not least – plan something… anything!

  • Plan a party
  • Plan your next strategic career move
  • Plan a networking event
  • Plan a girls/boys trip
  • Plan your next family vacation
  • You can even plan your next holiday dinner

Planning is a way to stay on top of everything – and it occupies your time, productively. Think, write, and create your plan. You will feel so accomplished once you land.

Needing tips for long flights is not just for kids. Everyone needs to find ways to pass the time on long flights. Whether you are 7 or 97, if you are prepared when the boredom strikes, it has no chance of getting the best of you on your flight! So, bring a book, connect with the in-flight entertainment system, or get some shut-eye – the choice is yours!