luxury travel

Handsome senior man sitting in an airplane with a smile and looking out the window enjoying In-flight Entertainment systems

Benefits of Flying First Class

Have you ever considered whether the cost of flying first class is worth it? The answer is a personal choice. However, there are many benefits to flying first class – which means the opportunity cost far outweighs the monetary cost. … Read More

Business jet with an IFE systems onboard | AdonisOne

5 Reasons to Book a Private Flight to Hawaii

Hawaii is full of salty air, hula skirts, exotic flowers, and beautiful blue beaches. It is a place that many people have always dreamed to visit, but probably never will. After all, it isn’t every day that you get the … Read More

International Luxury Travel | AdonisOne

5 Reasons To Splurge On International Luxury Travel

Travel is addicting. Travel is life-changing. International travel expands the mind and feeds the soul.  As borders open wider and remote destinations feel closer than ever, international luxury travel is becoming even more widespread. In 2017 airlines are reaching more … Read More

Myths About Traveling In Business Jets without IFE onboard | AdonisOne

6 Myths About Traveling in Business Jets

Business Jets are viewed as a sign of wealth and luxury. Being able to fly between cities without having to contact a commercial airline seems inaccessible to many. Perhaps this is why they have been the subject of so many myths – … Read More